Self-love is the most important and yet probably the most difficult for people to master. Oh yeah I be deep sometimes y'all. V-Day is about showing that special someone or someones how much you care, but what about showing yourself some love? I spent V-Day shopping for a coat and while I didn't find what I wanted I was happy to have the chance to look good doing it. Remember in all things you do to love yourself first!
Today I'm showing myself some love with Hourglass Opaque Rouge in Icon lined with MAC Lip Pencil in Burgundy |
Cecilia was riding my wave and has on the same only she lined hers with MAC Lip Pencil in Nightmoth |
Sharonda is giving us face with MAC Ruby Woo with MAC Prr Lip Glass |
Des is fresh-faced and full-lipped sporting Ruby Woo with MAC Lip Pencil in Cherry |