Back on the blogging grind and I wanted to highlight some new lippies I've purchased over the last month. I'll phase them in slowly I promise. I've been trying to get on a slow grind as of late. If anyone knows me well they know that I'm a procrastinator, sloth is my drug, "I'll do it later" is my official slogan, and last minute is my middle name. I find that when I'm trying to get a whole bunch of things done at one time (like fundraising for my fellowship which you can donate to
here, if you like) I eventually get tired out and drop it all. I'm bad with things like that. IRL the one thing I can say I consistently gave effort to was studying for the bar. I mean it worked, I passed, but I don't want to do that again in life ever. You hear me universe, not ever! So I'm going to try getting on a slow grind instead. Hopefully it'll help me get all the things I need to get done and keep me off of Buzzfeed.
P.S. S/O to Buzzfeed for being the bombass time waster
P.P.S. today's photo is for all the people who told me I have a small forehead
Finally getting a chance to wear Fighter by ColourPop. It was on the red carpet at the Met Gala, so ya know, swag. |