Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Choose Greatness

I had a meeting at work today (which explains the nude lip) and as we're talking about the agenda for a conference we're planning I could hear myself sounding like I knew I was talking about.  Additionally, I heard praise for some of my ideas.  It was in that moment that I had an epiphany "damn bitch you doing it."  As I've mentioned before, countless times, I'm a champion procrastinator.  As a result, I never quite reach my full potential.  I'm honestly shocked by the things I've been able to pull off half speed, which probably means pushing it into full throttle would make a beast.  In that moment, I realized that when I decide to choose greatness, my shiz is unstoppable. I've got hobbies on my to-do list, books on my to-read list, and places on my to-go list I need to accomplish.  My misdirected energies and all out slothfulness have only made me slightly better than average.  It's time to change my to-do lists into what's-next lists.  We don't get many choices in life but we can certainly choose greatness and greatness, I choose you.

I was meeting ready in Mocha Locha by CoverGirl Queen Collection and MAC Lip Pencil in Chestnut

Danae chose greatness and moved for new opportunities.  Thankfully she did it in MAC Cyber Lipstick, MAC Rebel Lipglass and MAC Nightmoth Lip Pencil

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