Thursday, February 11, 2016

White Tears

It's Thursday and another day of listening to "Formation" breathe black life into me.  Let me just go on a quick rant about the continued fallout of B dropping a single that shook up our lives.  In the days following her single and her performance at the Super Bowl, groups of individuals (without any kind of love in their lives I would gather) are coming together to boycott the headquarters of the National Football League to  protest her song that is "anti-police" and "contributes to the racial divide."  Additionally, congressmen and former mayors are taking time to weigh in on Beyonce instead of doing things that matter like helping their constituents and finding some other shit to do, respectively.  What I can never understand is how uncomfortable parts of White America (and I say parts cause I know white folks can be woke) can become so unglued when we take an opportunity to enjoy who we are with our own definitions.  White folks get a grip.  This song isn't about, isn't made for you, and certainly doesn't need you to comment or listen to it.  Instead you should figure out why it makes you so upset and deal with it, cause nobody has time for your white tears!

P.S. If you lick your water bottle a bit you'll stop your lipstick from smudging off

Makeup and Commentary
Pulled TGIF from ColourPop's Back to Cool Collection while rocking some light browns from the Morphe 35O palette
What's your favorite beverage of choice to smear your lipstick on? Send it to!!! 

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