An ironic title since I rarely get jealous but such is life. But I will tell you who I am jealous of: people who are able to meal prep on a consistent basis. That ish ain't my ministry. I wish it were but we all have our limitations. In the meantime, what I can stick to is makeup. Sometimes I peruse my looks from last year and rejoice in the growth, especially in my eyebrow game!! Oh snap! Here's today message (look @ Gawd giving me answers while I'm rambling) jealousy/envy/grass is greener-ism can definitely overtake you at any moment. However, in those moments you should really meditate on how far you've come and be glad you aren't where you used to be. You're a mothertrucking bad ass who probably has a host of people giving you the emerald eye. Be strong and confident in the things that you bring to the world, including a dope ass nude lip!
Julianah is feeling the greet with Makeup Geek on the lid (Fuji) and (Pegasus), in the crease and lower lid (Cocoa Bear), and in the Outer Corner (Dragonfly) |
Week almost out! How are you bringing in Friday?
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