Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Purple People Eater

Today I was feelin' myself.  And for a few reasons.  I was finally able to pull all my energy together to relax my hair for this cycle and it came out bomb as hell.  I legit had to pat myself on the back for that one.  Got all of the edges.  Second my eye makeup was ev-ry-thing.  It wasn't over the top but it had all the flecks of gold and copper I was looking for.  But the thing that made me take a step back and say "bitch u doin' this today" (and yes I talk to myself in the mirror) was my lipstick.

I feared it might be a little dark for work but whatever, I have a bunch of purples that need to be worn before the seasons change and I'm gonna do it.  I put a liner on that bih and I damn near asked myself to be my bae.  Though winter can continue to EAD, I will enjoy the lip shades it brings.

Today I have on Sephora Collection Luster Matte Long Wear Lip Color in Deep Plum and MAC Lip Pencil in Vino