Thursday, April 28, 2016


Happy Thursday!! I want to take a moment and applaud all my Kweens out there who are killing the game.  There is no dearth of think-pieces out there deconstructing #Lemonade and its exploration of the Black woman's journey of life.  Considering that the Black woman spends much of her life under heel of oppressive forces until she comes into knowledge of herself, it is imperative that Black women take a moment to embrace each other and amplify others that live boldly and wildly.  In 2016, makeup is still limited and regulated in the workplace.  Seriously, people still think red lipstick is taboo.  I say dash to convention and raise a glass to vivid colors that express the inner magic that is you.  Go Bold or Go Home!

Kept it simple using Too Faced Le Grand Chateau Paris in Love  palette.  On the lips is Too Faced Melted Matte in Bend and Snap.
MissRed Gal served it up Rossi Modo style in Orange You Cute!
Nicole is living fierce in Vraiment Rouge (Really Red) by Mary Kay

Check the fresh! Niama stunning in Smashbox Matte Lipstick in Bing

How do you serve up #blackgurlboldness?